Online Program to Streamline Your Therapy Practice

24/7 access to the online transformational program for psychologists and therapists who want to have a profitable practice with freedom to take school holidays off! 

Get on the Priority Waitlist for Elevate Now

Imagine what your life would be like if you could streamline your therapy practice so it’s more efficient, fulfilling, and profitable?


You could earn more, have more time to hang out with your family, AND regain some precious me-time.


If you’re like most therapist-business owners, you’re working long hours, feeling exhausted by the load and earning less than you anticipated when starting your business. 

That’s completely normal - our training prepared us for client sessions, but we weren’t trained on running a business!

Maybe you’re unclear on the best way to market your practice so you get the right clients, or perhaps you feel stressed by all the backend business admin you’d rather not do… 

If that sounds like you, you’re in the right place! 

3 out of 4 Small Businesses Fail in the First 5 Years

And therapy practices are not immune to this . . .


So it's essential that you have the business AND marketing skills you need to run your practice business successfully, without burning out or sacrificing your precious family time. 

Did You Know - Recent APS research found

Psychologists work 17 unpaid hours each week while being paid for just 23 hours? That’s two full days per week of unpaid work!

In comparison, GPs work an average of 5 unpaid hours each week. In addition, almost half the workforce have reduced their client hours due to burnout or fatigue.

Let's change that!

Hi, I'm Kate Swann



Business Coach

What if I could show you a way to drastically reduce your unpaid work hours without reducing your client numbers?

What would life be like if you could implement a kick-arse marketing strategy that fills your diary with clients you truly love to work with, while the business management ticks along seamlessly in the background?

As a therapist, I've been helping clients for over 15 years and have built a highly successful psychology practice.  

I went into private practice so I could work on MY terms, do school drop-offs and pick-ups, and take school holidays off with my family. Over my career, I've learnt how to streamline my practice to dramatically cut back on the non-billable paper work and research.

This means I work less hours, but see more clients - increasing my income working with a highly satisfying and purposeful client load.

After helping therapists through 1:1 supervision for many years, I've now put my methods into an easy 8 week live training program so I can support more of you to elevate your business to the next level too!

Sign up for the Priority Elevate Waitlist

In Elevate you're getting 24/7 access to the online program containing the simple steps to align the 3 key ingredients in your strategy so you can building a thriving therapy practice . . .

Where your client diary is full, the business management happens seamlessly in the background, AND you get to take chunks of time off with your family.

How does Elevate work?

Let's take a closer look . . .

Core Content


You're getting 24/7 access to the online program containing the simple steps to align the 3 key ingredients in your strategy so you can:

  • streamline admin and paperwork to decrease non-billable hours
  • nail your marketing so your diary is full and your earning potential is increased
  • learn how to work relationally to improve your confidence and save hours each week.


Personalised Support


This is where I’ll be hanging out with you to answer your questions, and support you through every aspect of the course.

In the Facebook Group I'll be supporting you:

  • to work relationally, so you can start implementing these amazing strategies straight away
  • to streamline your admin and paperwork
  • with creating your marketing strategy.


Monthly Readings


Working relationally is the single most important thing I've done in my own practice to reduce my non-billable hours!

The standalone relational trainings:

  • will support you to start cutting back your hours straight away
  • are aimed at building confidence 
  • are recorded so you can listen while you're in the car or out for a walk.
Yes! Put my Name on the Priority Elevate Waitlist

You’ll walk away with:


>> A streamlined approach to admin and client-related paperwork - decreasing your non-billable hours and increasing your earning potential

>> A time-saving, money-saving marketing and referral process so your diary is full with the type of clients that light you up, without Google Ads or social media

>> Confidence in your approach and ability as a therapist, with techniques for working relationally - saving you hours of prep time for each session

>> A practice management schedule where you have blocked out time for school holidays, without compromising your income.


Sign up for the Priority Elevate Waitlist Now!

I am absolutely indebted to Kate

I started supervision with Kate to build my confidence with clients after having a break from the profession for several years while I lived overseas, and to deepen my understanding of working relationally, psychodynamically and in the transference.

Kate was committed and engaged at all times. Her style is warm, nurturing, non-judgemental, pragmatic, and genuine. She really helped me to build my confidence in client work, and building my business as a sole practitioner.

Kate is an exceptional practitioner. Her care for her clients is inspiring and that translates to her supervisees. She inspires me to practise excellent client care, build and manage my practice and most importantly, attend to my boundaries and maintain self-care. 

Her advice, guidance and knowledge has been invaluable, and I cannot recommend her highly enough!

Rachael FitzGerald, Psychologist